shop easier and faster with the popular eCommerce packages we
provide FREE
with our web hosting plans.

osCommerce is an online
shopping- ecommerce solution- under on going development by the open source
community. It's feature packed out-of-the-box installation allows
online shop
owners to set-up, run, and maintain their shopping cart website with minimum
effort and with absolutely no costs or license fees involved.
With our web hostings plans, we provide a host of FREE ecommerce shopping cart
packages which you can download from the cPanel control. These include popular shopping carts such as
Zen Cart, Cubecart, Magento and others. See a complete list here
Shopping Cart Plug-ins for Joomla, WordPress, and other popular Open Source packages are also available.
Our web design team are
ready if you require ecommerce website development. See our web
development section here.
Visit an osCommerce showcase
page for an online shopping cart demonstration.
Oznet provides cost effective
and affordable ecommerce web hosting solutions that are tailored to meet your exact
Cart App Store
Virtual Private Servers- VPS
Dedicated Servers
Secure eCommerce SSL
Call us to discuss how
we can give you the latest shopping cart solution for your online store at an
affordable price.
for details :
