Oznet Configuration Parameters   

Item Value Description
Dial-in' Phone numbers
SureDial Premium Accounts:
0198331201 from 99.9% of Australia.

Standard Sydney Accounts:
02 9011 0082

If you are subscribed to the Premium Network you dial 0198 308 121 from antwhere in Australia. If you are a subscriber to the Standard Sydney Account, you dial the other Sydney number.
IP Number Dynamically assigned. The IP number is your unique identifier on the Internet for the duration of your session. If your dialer does not appear to have this option, enter in your IP number. The IP number should not be set to BOOTP or DHCP.
DNS Number(s) Dynamically assigned. The DNS numbers are the IP numbers of the DNS (Domain Name Servers). The DNS servers are the 'white pages' of the Internet and resolve a host name such as http://www.oznet.net/) to its IP number.
Proxy Server


Dynamically assigned.

Do not enable Proxy.

The proxy server is a cache that significantly speeds up your connection to the Internet and is a feature of your Internet browser and your FTP client.
Mail server Various We have a few mail servers in operation. Your email address, incoming and outgoing servers together with the set-up will be emailed to you when you subscribe.
Home Page http://oznet.net.au/oznet/clients/ This page is the preferred home page and contains information for our clients about new and exciting things on the Internet. We recommend that you set your start page to this URL. This page has links to the online account status system and Hosting Manuals
Client Email Address Various available Always use small letters. Capitals are ignored. Your email address, incoming and outgoing servers together with the set-up will be emailed to you when you subscribe.

Oznet Internet Services:
Sydney, NSW 2022, Australia
Phone: 0425 286 233, Fax: (+61 2) 9318 0475
http://www.oznet.net.au | E-mail: support @ oznet.net