OZNET => Business Web Hosting => Dedicated  Servers, Co-location

 Dedicated Web Server Hosting 

If you are providing Network and Internet related services to your clients or you require your own dedicated corporate web server, we can provide you with "Branded" web hosting on a national level. No need to invest in your own server, router or modems. We provide you with an efficient and reliable infrastructure for a premium service. You concentrate on your own core business and leave the Network side of procuring, operating and maintaining expensive and complex web hosting equipment to us.

This would be a suitable solution for Web Design Houses, Network Consultants, Social Clubs or large organisations who would like to offer their clients or members their own dedicated service.

Control Panel Options
Site Made Easy Web Control
Ensim Pro
cPanel for Linux 

Operating System Options
Fedora Core 5
Fedora Core 6
CentOS 5
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4

Port Options
10 or 100 Mbit

Prices: Dedicated Servers

OZNET®  is a Registered Trademarks of Oznet Internet Services Pty Ltd.

Oznet Internet Services Pty Ltd.
Sydney - Australia

ABN 66 091 971 587
Phone: (+61 2) 9318 2188
Fax: (+61 2) 9318 0475