Internet Access

Feedback Form

Oznet Internet Services is keen to improve service quality where possible for Internet users - Our first point of contact with a client is at the set-up stage. Once the account is properly set-up we hardly ever hear from our Internet users.

For your Internet Connection, you were given an Internet username, password and Dial-in number. An instruction email was sent to you as set-up assistance.

The Internet Access Client Support Centre would like to assess the set-up process and to determine its effectiveness or shortfalls. We would greatly appreciate your feedback in helping us to assess and improve if possible. Responses will be collated and analysed by Support & Marketing Services, and you can rest assured that all responses and comments will remain absolutely confidential.

Please respond at your convenience.

  • Have you encountered any problems during the installation of the Internet connection? (please indicate as many as apply)

    Unable to follow instructions
    Changing the setting on the browser
    Setting up/changing your password
    Logging in
    Problems with Internet browser
    Email Issues

  • If yes, how did you seek help? (please indicate as many as apply)

    Oznet Support Website
    Call Centre 
    Support Person

  • How helpful was the information received from this source?

    Very helpful
    Only a little helpful
    Not at all helpful

  • Was the problem resolved? Yes No

  • Since the set-up of the Internet connection, how would you rate the speed of your internet browser?

    No difference
    Not sure

  • Was the quantity of information received about the Internet Access service:

    Too much
    Too little

  • How did you find the instruction about the Internet Access service?

    Very easy to follow
    Easy to follow
    Difficult to follow
    Very difficult to follow

  • Prior to this Internet access, were you connected through another provider for Internet Access? Yes No

  • Where do you primarily access the Internet from?

    Home & Office

  • I have been a client of Oznet for:

    3 months or less
    3- 12 months
    12- 24 months
    over 24 months

    Any other comments?

click once only

Home | Client Internet Access Feedback | Support

Oznet Internet Services Pty Ltd.
Sydney,  Australia
ABN 66 091 971 587
Phone: 0425 286 233