Mac ISP Dialup
Click open "Internet
Setup Assistant"
Click the
"Update" button"
Click for "Add
Internet Configuration"
For the name of the configuration put "Oznet", and click for
"Modem" for connecting to the Internet, continue.
Choose the Modem you are
using, the appropriate port, and pick "Tone".
Insert the appropriate
Oznet phone connection number for your area, then input your user ID
and password, continue.
Pick "No" for IP
address, continue.
Leave the DNS section
blank, Domain Name for configuration leave blank, continue.
Input your email as,
write the email password, continue.
For POP Account put, for SMTP put, continue.
Newsgroup settings,, continue.
The Assistant now has all the
information necessary to connect your Mac. to Oznet, click to connect.
For generic Oznet Network
settings Click Here
To get back to the Support home page Click