Outlook Express Settings

  1. Open Outlook Express by clicking on Start, Programs and Outlook Express or by clicking on the Outlook Express Icon on your desktop (bottom left).  

    Click on "Tools" menu and select "Accounts".


  2. The "Internet Accounts" window will then appear. On the right hand side of the window, click on the "Add" button, and select "Mail" from the menu that appears.

    A setup wizard will now appear to let you enter the information below.


  3. In the first screen, you will need to enter your name. This does not have to be your username, and can be a nickname or preferred name. If more than one person will be using your computer to check their email, the name will need to be something unique. What you put here has no bearing on the actual settings. When you have entered a name, click the "Next" button.


  4. Select the option "I already have an e-mail address that I'd like to use". Enter your new email address in the space indicated (YourEmailID@oznet.net.au). Please note that your email address will not be a EmailID@oznet.com.au. When you have entered your email address, you click the "Next" button.


  5. You will now be prompted to enter details about the Oznet mail servers. There are two boxes that information will be needed. The first is the "Incoming mail (POP3,IMAP or HTTP) server:" In this box you enter "mail1.oznet.net.au". The second box, "Outgoing mail (SMTP) server:" enter "mail1.oznet.net.au". When you have entered this information, click the "Next" button. NB. oznet.net.au is also a valid SMTP or POP server name.

  6. At the next screen you enter your Oznet account information. The "Account Name" is YourID that you use to connect to Oznet. The "Password" is the password that is associated with the username you have entered in the "Account Name" box. If you do not wish to enter your password every time you check your email, you can select the option to "Remember Password". This will save you having to enter your password every time you check your email. When you have finished with this screen click the "Next" button.

  7. Congratulations, now click "Finish" to save your new email account information to Outlook Express.

  8. Click "Close" button on the "Internet Accounts" window to return to Outlook Express.

    Your email settings for Outlook Express are now complete.


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